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----- Critically Important -----
  • Flash graphics viewing/use alternatives:
  • Flash support by most modern browsers has been dropped but that's not the end of the line for Flash.
    There is no practical alternative to Flash for the interactive demos/applets/graphics on this site.. Especially when there are alternatives, some simple, some good, some...
  • Ruffle is chosen by most because they can't imagine using anything but their preferred browser. It works. It's OK but not great. The Flash graphics won't look as they're supposed to but it, generally, works.
  • The #1 preferred (my me) way to view the site and the Flash graphics is with the Chromium Portable browser and the installation of the older (no time-out) Flash Player files. This was incredibly simple when people knew computers but not today when people only know how to work with their phones.
  • The Flash Browser is a good option but it's so stripped down that it makes it somewhat difficult to use.
  • The Maxthon browsers are an option. The v4.95 is the easiest (install and use). V5.3.8 and 6.1.0 require (very) slightly more effort (very).
  • All of these browsers are available from my Flash Information page.
  • The Chromium and Maxthon browsers on the page above are 'portable' browsers. They are not installed into your system. They are simply made available for use on your computer. They can be carried around on a Flash drive and used on any computer.
----- Critically Important -----

In the diagram below, 'fuse A' would not need to be any larger than 1 amp (it MUST be rated to protect the wire feeding the switch from a short circuit). Fuse 'B' MUST be rated to protect the wire feeding the relay (in case of a short circuit). It should also be smaller than the current rating of the relay.

This shows how to wire a switch so that you can turn your fans (or any other device connected to the relay) off if you want. You can see that the switch is in series with the remote lead. For the relay to switch on, 2 things must happen. The remote lead must be high (no, not on drugs.. the head unit must be on) AND the switch must be switched to the on position (position B).

NOTE: The diode will prevent inductive kickback from the relay coil from damaging the switch contacts.

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